2015 牌入天花板十八流程 Zenith by David Stone

  • 2015 牌入天花板十八流程 Zenith by David Stone
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:1
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  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 552
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  • 货号:5b1b851abe15
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家勇闯天涯0814


  • 品牌:奇迹魔术教学
David Stone再次回归,这次他带来了一个非常棒的牌上天花板的程序(Cad on celling)。
在教学DVD里,David Stone分享了18个流程,包含牌入气球,不需要palm的牌入口袋,甚至硬币穿过扑克牌进入杯子,每一个几乎都是秒杀级别。
David Stone is back with the most amazing version of the Card on ceiling ever!
But more important, ZENith is just like "Tool", David's last best-seller : Once again the gimmick allows you to perform dozen of different tricks and routines!!! 
Created by JB Dumas and David Stone, ZENith offers you to perform the most incredible Card on Ceiling version: You put all the cards into the card case, just throw it on a ceiling, and the signed card will appear on it ! You can right now give the box for examination!!! 
This new practical way to perform the Card on ceiling, to make it even more magical, more impossible (how does the card goes out of the box...)... But more important of all, avoiding accidents related to the more standard versions of the Card on ceiling, like having all the cards falling to the ground or being unable to go on if your first try went wrong... 
Along with this amazing version of the Card on Ceiling and its 5 variations explained, you will learn how to perform over 13 brand new routines completely different created by JB Dumas and David Stone! CARD TO BALLOON, STABBED CARD, NO PALM CARD TO POCKET, CARD TO THE WATCH, CARD TO CELLPHONE... 
Zenith is not just another trick... But a concept, a brand new principle. The gimmick allows you to hold-out, steal or control invisibly one or two selected cards in an open and in a fully motivated way. 
"First ZENith fooled me, then the method amazed me and finally the potential inspired me" 
- Michael AMMAR 
"A gimmick that is truly limited only by your imagination" 
- Doug McKENZIE 
"This gimmick is bloody amazing. This takes it to another level" 
- Etienne PRADIER 
Created and designed by JB Dumas and David Stone