V2.13 KESS V2 OBD2 Manager

  • V2.13 KESS V2 OBD2 Manager
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:473
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  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
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  • 累计热度: 356
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  • 品牌:kess
  • 货号:dce5151916d
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家hao3508


  • 品牌:kess
KESS V2 OBD2 Manager Tuning Kit without Token Limitation

Top 6 Reasons To Get KESS V2

1. It's Master Version
2. Software Version: V(咨询特价)
3. Update by CD
4. No Token Limitation: can be used unlimitedly,no need to worry about tokens any more.
5. With Coverage of All Major Brands and Protocols including Line, CAN, EDC17 and MED17 and Ford J(咨询特价)
6. Supported Languages: English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French

1. Please do not update this tool online, or It will get damaged
2. Please Do remember disconnect internet when you use it
3. About No Token Limitation, Kess V2 has 60 Tokens, when you use it up, you can use Jlink Plus Kess V2 CPU Repair Chip to reprogram and get another 60 Tokens

Kess V2 has several built in features and safeguards including:

1. Check of the battery voltage in real-time
2. Full Recovery function in case of problems
3. Automatic correction of the Checksum, (where available)
4 Boot-Loader mode supported
5. Management of the programming counters
6. ScanTool function to remove DTC
7. Several options of reading/writing speed
8. Option to write full file/section of the map
9. Full integration with ECM Titanium,which means it can work with ECM Titanium perfectly

Detail vehicle model KESS V2 can do please download from this webpage.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: KESS V2 is master version or slave version@
A: It is master version.

Q: KEES V2 just can be installed on windows XP system@
A: KESS V2 can install it on Windows 7 and Windows XP.

Q: What is the difference Between KESS V2 and K-TAG@
A: KESS V2 has OBD function, but Ktag does not have this function.

Q: Can KESS V2 update@
A: Please don't update it, or it will damage the firmware of kess v2, you just can ship back to us for repair.

Q: What is the difference Between KESS V2 and Fgtech V53@
A: They both can do many cars, but they do cars via different ways. Fgtech V53 has BDM function, but KESS V2 does not have. Kess V2 has Anti-mediation lock module, it can do new and encrypted cars better than Fgtech V53.

Q: Customer told us that KESS V2 can not do EDC17 well, such as Bosch EDC 17 (cp04-CP14-CAN-Med17.X ) and Bosch Bosch EDC 17 C54( Passat, Golf,Crafter,Octávia,Yeti-VW). EDC16 all ok.
A: Yes, Kess V2 can not do EDC17 at present. It can do EDC16 well, but when you do it, you need to connect the Anti-mediation lock module to read and write data for vehicles. Becuase new style vihicles have new encrypted ways.